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H. Douglas Otto
H. Douglas Otto is a Research Analyst with the Center for Justice Research and Evaluation. Prior to joining ICJIA, Doug was a research assistant at Loyola University Chicago’s Center for Criminal Justice Research, Policy, and Practice. There he assisted in a study on costs associated with violent and property crime...
ARTICLE | March 18, 2020
Criminal Justice System Utilization in Rural Areas
Criminal justice systems operating in rural areas have been overlooked and under-researched, creating an emphasis on urban criminal justice system knowledge and recommendations. In addition, many rural areas have fewer social and behavioral health services, longer travel distances for service appointments and corresponding transportation issues, a small pool of criminal...
small town services law enforcement jail use Illinois
ARTICLE | March 18, 2020
Issues in Policing Rural Areas: A Review of the Literature
Criminal justice issues are typically studied in urban rather than rural areas. This represents an important deficit in the understanding of policing issues, as most police departments are in rural jurisdictions. Research indicates rural police departments often operate with fewer resources, lower staffing levels, and more inferior technology than their...
law enforcement stress urban resources staffing
ARTICLE | January 30, 2020
A Study of Drug Testing Practices in Probation
Individuals on probation often are subject to drug testing regardless of conviction offenses. Positive test results can lead to probation sanctions, technical violations, and revocations, which, for some, may result in a period of incarceration. Probation departments operate with lack of guidance on drug testing, as well as a lack...
reentry urinalysis community corrections supervision sanctions
ARTICLE | April 19, 2023
2022 Illinois Death in Custody Annual Report
The Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority is required by both Illinois state legislation (730 ILCS 210/) and federal legislation (34 U.S.C. § 60105) to collect, report, and publish specific data on deaths that occur among individuals in custody of Illinois local and state law enforcement agencies or as a result...
Corrections jails prisons police use of force sheriffs medical hospitals
ARTICLE | August 25, 2021
An Analysis of Factors Associated with Suicide Among Justice-Involved Illinois Violent Death Decedents
Suicide is one of the leading causes of death in the United States both in the general population and among people involved in the justice system. Research suggests suicide rates among those detained in jail and prison have increased in recent years. For this reason, it is important to understand...
public health homicide self-harm demographics cognitive behavioral therapy
ARTICLE | October 26, 2020
A Review of Literature on Mental Health Court Goals, Effectiveness, and Future Implications
Mental health courts are designed to reduce criminal justice system involvement among those suffering from mental health disorders. These courts have proliferated across the United States in the last 30 years, growing to over 470 nationwide. Mental health courts incorporate multidisciplinary teams of criminal justice system practitioners and stakeholders to...
community corrections treatment meta-analysis co-occurring disorders probation
ARTICLE | October 02, 2020
Adjusting Work Conditions During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Survey of Illinois Mental Health Court Staff
As social distancing measures continue to be necessary as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, mental health court personnel and other criminal justice professionals have adapted to alternative work conditions. In this study, Illinois mental health court staff were surveyed to examine how the pandemic may have impacted normal operations....
community corrections community supervision public health coronavirus social distancing
ARTICLE | June 24, 2020
Youth Alcohol Use: National and Illinois Trends, Consequences, and Interventions
Alcohol is the most commonly misused substance among youth in the United States. Underage alcohol use contributes to risky behavior, lower academic achievement, and altered brain development, and can increase the risk of future misuse. This article explored literature on underage drinking and interventions available to address the problem. Also...
underage drinking criminal history delinquency minors arrests
ARTICLE | August 08, 2024
Illinois Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Research Grant Strategic Plan 2024-2029
The Illinois Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Strategic Plan for 2024-2029 outlines a comprehensive framework to enhance criminal justice practices in Illinois. The plan emphasizes evidence-based strategies to address key issues within the justice system. The strategic plan was developed with input from a diverse group of stakeholders,...
Bureau of Justice Assistance BJA Justice Assistance Grant strategic plan JAG funding grants
ARTICLE | February 03, 2023
Evaluation of the Development of a Multijurisdictional Police-Based Deflection Program in Southern Illinois
Over 20 million Americans have substance use disorders and many are in need of treatment and other social services. Police often encounter persons with behavioral health needs and can deflect, or refer, individuals to service providers without making an arrest. This evaluation examined the action planning process of a police-based...
deflection diversion substance use disorder drugs treatment law enforcement police
ARTICLE | January 04, 2023
Evaluation of the Development of a Multijurisdictional Police-Led Deflection Program to Assist Victims of Violent Crime
Over 1 million Americans are victims of violent crime each year and many need assistance. Police often encounter victims and can deflect, or refer, individuals to treatment and services and away from emergency department care, crisis services, and potential justice system involvement. This evaluation examined the virtual action planning process...
deflection diversion law enforcement police victim
ARTICLE | January 04, 2023
Evaluation of the TASC Deflection Academy: Training for Law Enforcement-Led Deflection Program Staff
Law enforcement-led deflection programs redirect individuals with behavioral health or other needs to treatment and services. The field of deflection is still relatively new and practitioners are still developing best practices to train program staff and stakeholders. We evaluated the Treatment Alternatives for Safe Communities (TASC) Deflection Academy, a five-day...
deflection diversion law enforcement police training
ARTICLE | September 25, 2020
An Exploratory Study of the Discretionary Use of Electronic Monitoring for Individuals Upon Release to Mandatory Supervised Release (MSR) in Illinois
Research is limited on the use of electronic monitoring for individuals released from state correctional institutions. Available research indicates mixed results as to the efficacy of electronic monitoring in deterring individuals from committing technical violations—or violations of their conditions of release—and future criminal offending behavior. Further, the risks for collateral...
Electronic monitoring parole MSR corrections
ARTICLE | October 23, 2023
A Study of Housing Options for Probationers with Substance Use Disorders
There are over 3 million persons on probation in this country and many struggle with both maintaining recovery from substance use disorders and obtaining secure housing. However, stable housing for those on probation in recovery can potentially reduce relapse and recidivism. We examined recovery housing needs from the perspectives of...
probation community corrections recovery substance use disorder housing
ARTICLE | May 24, 2022
Understanding Police Officer Stress: A Review of the Literature
The nature of police work may at times involve stressful situations such as the threat of, and actual, physical harm and witnessing the human toll of violence. The stress of the job combined with organizational stressors may severely impact police officers and their work. Stress can lead to substance misuse...
law enforcement PTSD chronic stress coping mechanism burnout
ARTICLE | May 24, 2022
Addressing Police Officer Stress: Programs and Practices
Due to the intense nature of police work, officers may experience stress-related psychological health problems. Mental health stigmas, masculine police culture that is aversive to change, fears of lack of confidentiality, and time commitment concerns create barriers to police willingness to seek treatment for stress-related issues. Nevertheless, many departments provide...
law enforcement counseling peer support organizational support training
ARTICLE | April 16, 2020
The Criminal Justice System and Pandemic Preparedness and Response: Operating in the Age of Coronavirus
The COVID-19 pandemic poses unique challenges for the criminal justice system. Despite statewide social distancing and stay-in-place orders, criminal justice practitioners and victim service providers must, to some extent, continue to directly interact with justice-involved individuals, victims, and others. This article describes some of the challenges criminal justice system practitioners...
COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic criminal justice victimization
ARTICLE | March 22, 2022
An Analysis of Pre-Vaccine COVID-19 Deaths in Illinois Jails and Prisons
In this study, researchers analyzed Illinois jail and prison deaths that occurred between January 2020 and February 2021 to determine COVID-19 mortality among incarcerated populations pre-vaccine availability. They found over 40% of the 242 deaths occurring in Illinois correctional facilities during that time were COVID-19-related. Most of these deaths occurred...
incarceration pandemic illness health care mortality quarantine
ARTICLE | February 16, 2024
2023 Illinois Death in Custody Annual Report
The Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority is required by both Illinois state legislation (730 ILCS 210/3-5) and federal legislation (34 U.S.C. § 60105) to collect, report, and publish specific data on deaths that occur among individuals in the custody of Illinois local and state law enforcement agencies or as a...
jails police use of force prisons